Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Minotaurs

May 5, 1651

Continuing their explorations of the minotaurs' lair, the party members eventually come across two minotaurs and a bull. After a fierce battle all three are slain.

Experience: 2,327 (total 25,590)
Treasure: 816 gold, 96 silver, 32 copper, 1131 ct. plum-sized moonstone stone, 45 ct. marble-sized cat's eye, perfume bottle (glass orb with ornate silver filigree)

The Ankhkeg

May 3, 1651

Returning from Melitene, the party encounters father and son half-orc adventurers, both named Untern. The Unterns say they explored a lair of minotaurs under an old Greek temple and some of their party were killed. They ask Ahmet and the others to return with them for further exploration. However, the Unterns are killed at the entrance. The party continues on and after some exploration encounters an ankhkeg, which they manage to slay.

X.P.: 528 (total 23,263)
Treasure: None

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Wraith

April 14, 1651

While on the road to Melitene in Lukas's new vardo, Ahmet, Lukas, Andrej, Maximillian, Mareo, and Hichem stop to rest. Soon they are greeted by a friendly orc who informs them that their mule is dead and that they are in a bad area. As they try to get the vardo moving with a mule conjured by Lukas, a wraith attacks Mareo, killing him. Then the creature attacks Maximillian. Ahmet and the others eventually drive it off, but there is no hope for Mareo. Ahmet then encouters an old friend, Mullah Yazigi.

X.P.: 231 (total 22,735)
Treasure: None